TAB procedure does not require the formal approval of the Biocidal Products Committee or the GA, as the document documents the agreements concluded in the GPs and included in its protocol. It is a living document that will be updated over time with new additions. Technical Agreements on Biocides (TAB) are an information document intended to provide the agreements of the working groups of the Committee on Biocidal Products (INTEROPERABILITY) in a concise form. The TAB aims to cover technical-scientific agreements of general interest and to create a general database on issues that have already been agreed. The working groups carry out scientific and technical peer reviews and discuss other relevant scientific and technical issues under the Biocidal Products Regulation. All working groups report to the committee and the GCP rules of procedure apply. Ad hoc working groups do not distinguish between core and flexible members. Unlike permanent working groups, ad hoc working groups work continuously throughout the year, mainly through electronic exchanges or virtual meetings. Permanent working groups are composed of core and flexible members. In addition, advisors may accompany members to meetings. Core members shall be appointed for a renewable term of three years and each Member State may appoint up to two core members for each working group.
Applicants may participate in BPC Working Group (BPC WG) discussions. Agendas for PCB Working Group meetings are published no later than 21 days prior to a meeting and, if applicants wish to participate in their agenda item, they should contact the PCB Working Group Secretariat and follow the approach outlined in Section 3 of the Code of Conduct for Applicants Participating in the GCP and its Working Groups. Please use the contact email address at the end of the page. Flexible members, through their specific expertise, contribute to a specific meeting of a particular working group and their participation may therefore vary from one meeting to another. Each Member State has the right to appoint an unlimited number of flexible members. The main sources of the TAB are the protocols adopted by the WG and the Technical Meetings (TMs) as well as the Manual of Technical Agreements of the Technical Meeting of Biocides (MOTA). In all cases, reference shall be made to the colocation meeting or TM at which the agreement was concluded. The working groups (GAs) of the Biocidal Products Committee (PCBs) assist the Committee in the preparation of its opinions and contribute to the harmonisation of the risk assessment referred to in the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR). For organizational matters related to the meetings of the working group, please contact: bpc-wgs (at) ** The final public minutes of the GA meetings are published to the S-CIRCABC interest group: documents agreed at the meetings of the BPC-WG – Public The following permanent working groups have been created by the BPC: * triggered by the calendars of (UA) or (AS), non-exclusive. In addition to the standing working groups, four ad hoc working groups support the BPC and its permanent working groups:.
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